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  • Psoriasis Psoriasis
    Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes cells to build up and form dry, itchy patches on the skin, nails, and joints. This autoimmune disorder causes the skin to grow faster than usual, and although psoriasis is a long-term disease that affects approximately 125 million individuals worldwide, there is no existing cure.
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  • Vitiligo Vitiligo
    Vitiligo is a chronic skin condition that causes loss of skin color in segmented areas of an individual’s body, including inside of the mouth, hair, face, hands, genital area, and more. Vitiligo, also called leukoderma, affects over one percent of the world’s population, and its symptoms may worsen with time. Although there is no cure for Vitiligo, treatments available may help restore color to the affected skin.
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  • Acne Acne
    Acne, a widespread skin condition, is caused by a combination of factors, including excess sebum (oil) production, clogged hair follicles, bacteria (particularly Propionibacterium acnes), and inflammation.
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  • Dermatitis Dermatitis
    Dermatitis is a chronic skin condition often caused by allergies, irritants, and genetic factors. Although its symptoms can come out rather quickly, even mild cases of dermatitis can take a few weeks to resolve, and more severe issues usually require long-term management.
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  • Eczema Eczema
    Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a long-lasting skin condition that leads to dry, red, itchy, and bumpy skin. In severe cases, Eczema can lead to painful blisters and ooze liquid. Unfortunately, there is not any clear evidence identifying what causes Eczema.
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Estudios clínicos
  • Terapia fototerapéutica domiciliaria para el vitiligo

    Eleftheriadou y sus colegas (2014) señalaron que las unidades de NB-UVB de mano son dispositivos ligeros que podrían superar la necesidad de tratar el vitiligo en gabinetes de fototerapia en hospitales, permitiendo un tratamiento temprano en casa que podría aumentar la probabilidad de una repigmentación exitosa. El ensayo piloto Hi-Light examinó la viabilidad de realizar […]

    Published on marzo 25, 2024

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  • NB-UVB para el tratamiento del vitiligo, prurito y dermatosis inflamatorias

    Samson et al. (2003) revisaron la evidencia sobre la fototerapia NB-UVB para el tratamiento del vitiligo, prurito y dermatosis inflamatorias. Este fue un estudio retrospectivo de los resultados del tratamiento de 117 pacientes consecutivos con vitiligo, prurito y otras dermatosis inflamatorias, excluyendo aquellos con psoriasis y linfoma cutáneo de células T (CTCL), tratados con NB-UVB […]

    Published on febrero 15, 2024

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